Tag: tutorial

Link Naar Tutorial Find Post Page Tag Media Id In Wordpress

How to find post, page, tag, category and media ID in WordPress

It should be so simple: Add a column to the post, page, category and tag overviews displaying each item’s ID. I’m sure the WordPress development team is aware of this omission, but for some reaso they have chosen not to implement it. The fact remains that webdesigners and administrators need to look up the ID’s of these items regularly, especially when developing or customizing themes. Or when you need to create redirections after a permalink settings change. There are numerous occasions where I have had a need for them.

Link Naar Tutorial Moving A Modx Website To A Subdomain

How to move your MODx website to a subdomain

A while ago, I needed to move an existing custom-themed (named ArtDeco) MODx Evolution 1.0.3 website from the main domain to a subdomain on the same server. As I’d never moved a MODx site before, I set out searching. What I found was bits and pieces of information, mainly dealing with a move from one server to another. But nothing on an internal move. It seemed logical that this would actually be less complicated than a server-to-server move, so I decided to just do the move, and see what happens. It turned out to be quite simple. Just follow these steps, and you should be home free!

Link Naar Tutorial How To Apply A Full Screen Background Image

How to apply a full screen background image

In many circumstances, a website background is generated by creating a very small (2px by 2px for instance) and repeating it on the X and Y axes. It’s easy and it’s quick. If you want to use a gradient on the Y axis, you use an image that’s 2px wide and 500 or 600px or so high), and the other way around for a gradient from left to right. Bit what if you want to use a gradient background image changing color or shade on both X and Y axes? For example with a circular gradient? And what if you needed to have this construction be IE6-compliant?

Link Naar Tutorial Make Presentation Slideshow With Adobe Indesign

How to make a presentation slideshow using InDesign

For creating digital presentations, the vast majority of people use Microsoft’s PowerPoint. It’s quite simple to work with, and does the job quite well. But if you’re a designer, you like to have more freedom of choice when it comes to the layout. In that case, you’re better off with Adobe’s InDesign. It has a million possibilities, especially when it comes to styling typography. However, the world can’t read INDD files, or view them as presentations. So how do you create a presentation from your InDesign file?

Link Naar Tutorial Static Navigation Menu In Wordpress

How to create a static WordPress navigation menu

I wanted to create a static navigation menu creating a combination of both static pages (for home, about, contact, etc) and categories (for tutorials and portfolio) for a WordPress 2.9.2 website. This meant that the regular way of automatic listing (wp_list functions) was not going to do it for me, as this would automatically expand when a new category or page was added. As none of the answers I found covered the whole of my question, I’ll post it here for your convenience!