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Why hire a WordPress WPML contractor multilanguage expert?


WordPress is currently by far the most-used CMS worldwide. Using custom code or one of the countless free and premium plugins available, it offers unlimited possibilities to create or expand designs and functionalities. The strong support community (premium support for plugins, developers all over the world sharing code and helping each other solve issues) also is on of WordPress’ great strengths.

These factors combined have made me decide years ago to dedicate myself to designing and developing WordPress websites for my customers. This does not mean I think other Content Management Systems aren’t any good. But I prefer to be really good at one CMS than decent at a number of them. After 8 years, I have yet to come across a client that requests something that is not possible to set up using WordPress as a basis.


The Netherlands are an internationally oriented country by necessity. It’s how our nation came to blossom in the past, and it is how we will continue to operate because we are only a small community of 17 million (okay, add in a couple of million of Flemish Belgians as well).

For this reason, I regularly create WordPress multilanguage websites for my clients. Mostly in Dutch and English, but German, French and Italian have also come along. This is because many of my clients operate their businesses beyond the Dutch borders: they sell their products, rent their houses and showcase their knowledge in the countries surrounding us, or even aim for a worldwide audience.

There are a couple of better known multilanguage solutions for WordPress out there, but none more well-known than WPML. This is with reason, as the WPML plugin suite beautifully integrates with the WordPress system, and easily allows developers to adapt their custom themes and custom(ized) plugins to a multilingual platform. And if you run into issues, WPML provides excellent support. A small sample of their indepth knowledge can be found here.


Of course, there is Google Translate. A great tool if you’re looking for a quick translation. But if you take your business and your website seriously, you need professional-level translations. Just like you need a professional to write your content if you truly want your business to grow. Each business branch has its own jargon, which cannot be properly translated by an automated system. And each country has its own culture, which seeps through in how things are communicated.

So do yourself and your company a favor, and hire a professional translation service to to optimize your content for that foreign market.

This is where the WPML Translation Management plugin comes in. It allows you to set up and give access to professional translation services, and makes sure vital SEO information is also included in the translation tasks. The translator can remotely access the given translation tasks, and send them back to you, all within the WordPress/WPML system. That saves a lot of time!


OnTheGoSystems, the makers of WPML, also created the Toolset. A suite of plugins that allows you to build advanced WordPress sites without requiring any programming skills. If you do not have the time to learn to develop your website yourself, or if you do not have the budget to hire a professional webdesigner and/or developer, this is an excellent option!

You can read more about Toolset here


OnTheGoSystems has set up the WPML Contractors platform to connect WPML-developers and clients looking for help with a WordPress multilanguage website. This is an excellent opportunity for all concerned: Clients are ensured of a highly skilled professional to take on the task of setting up their websites, Contractors (developers/webdesigners) get a change to showcase their skills and attract new customers, and OnTheGoSystems will be even more widespread than otherwise might have been the case.

As I am an official WPML contractor, you can view my personal contractor profile here:

If you have any questions, or would like to know more: please feel free to contact me at any time!
Kind regards,
Boris Hoekmeijer

This post was last modified on 15/10/2019 11:44

Boris Hoekmeijer

View Comments

  • Ik ben met een nieuwe WordPress website bezig, maar ik krijg de meertaligheid niet in orde en heb hierbij hulp nodig om WPML goed in te stellen en de pagina-layout goed over te nemen.
    Daarnaast is er nog een uitdaging om de bookingsagenda's goed te synchroniseren.

    We werken met een thema SoHo-Hotel en willen WPML gebruiken om er in iedergeval een EN - NL website van te maken. Eventueel aangevuld met Duits en Frans. Ik heb hierbij praktische ondersteuning nodig, iemand die kan lezen en schrijven met WordPress en ervaring heeft met het instellen van WPML.
    Dit om technische zaken waar we nu op vastlopen mee te helpen oplossen. Heb jij daar een oplossing voor?

    De website onder constructie staat nu hier:
    Deze nieuwe WP-site moet vervolgens de 10 jaar oude website gaan vervangen, zie hier:

Published by
Boris Hoekmeijer

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